Last day of term
On your child’s last day we will be collecting your child at the earlier finishing time, however jets will be closing at the earlier time of 5pm.
St Nicholas Tuesday 21st ST Johns
ST Edmunds Wednesday 22nd If you do not want your child collected on their last day and it is a normal session for them, please inform the team asap.
Tickets are on sale for our Christmas raffle (from the centre), with many lovely prizes. Tickets are £1 per strip. Raffle will be drawn before we break up.
Next Terms invoices
They have now been issued, please ensure you make arrangements to start/change your standing order, if you have not received your invoice please email us at
Face Coverings -Can we remind all parents that at jets we are still practising social distance measures and encourage the wearing of masks whilst on our premises.
PCR TESTING – Please note if we send you child home with any of the main symptoms of Co-vid or if they display any of the main symptoms of Co-vid you must send in confirmation of a negative PCR test before they return.
Returning back to school -JETS will be opening back up on Thursday 6th for ST Nicholas and ST Johns Breakfast and Afterschool and will re-open on Friday 7th for Nursery and St Edmunds.
All the Senior Management and JETS team would like to wish you all a lovely Christmas and a Happy New year!