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With regard to the September Services, we are still waiting for the Department of Education to send all providers nationally with the guidance


I know this is frustrating for everyone, but we can't do anything until with receive the information. 

They did promise the 11th August but unfortunately we are still waiting.

This is what we have from them 

Before and after school childcare (autumn term 2020)
The updated DfE guidance for wraparound settings providing before and after school childcare from September 2020 has not yet been published. We have been repeatedly assured by the DfE that its release is 'imminent' since late July. Our understanding is that it is still awaiting final sign-off by central government.

The government expectation is clearly that wraparound clubs will be able to open, as this was included in the guidance for schools which was first published on 2 July. And the schools guidance also indicates that there is the possibility of children being allowed to be in second groups in after school clubs if it is not possible to keep them in the same bubble as during the school day. However the guidance for schools does not go into detail about the sizes of groups, whether clubs can take children from more than one school, or how much mixing might be tolerated, or whether additional protective measures will be required. It is this detailed information that providers need in order to plan their provision and which we are hoping to see in the promised updates to the current guidance for out of school settings.


We can only apologise for any inconvenience caused 


Update 25/8/20

The government guidance has finally been released however there are many points and worries that have been raised regarding this guidance. We hope to seek some clarity from Sefton this week. We apologise that we cant be of more help at this time. And we will update you all again asap 
